i2Tech » i2Tech


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i2Tech Academy offers an integrated approach to learning through a project-based learning (PBL) environment where Science, Technology, Engineering and Math serve as the foundation for projects.  In PBL, learning is contextual, creative, and shared.  Students collaborate on projects that require critical thinking and communication. By making learning relevant to them in this way, student engagement reaches new levels.  This higher level of engagement is associated with student achievement and educational outcomes that prepare students for college and career readiness.


The smart use of technology supports our innovative approach to instruction and culture. All students have a one-to-one computing with laptops and iPads. These devices provide easy access to textbooks, assignments, research necessary for projects and communication through Echo, a vibrant network. The Echo, learning management system, helps students, teachers, and parents connect to each other, and to student projects across the country.


Additionally, students in i2Tech@BCHS will have a curricular pathway that will serve the instructional needs of all students, including honors and AP classes. Students will engage in the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) engineering classes, as well as, an integrated curriculum in a collaborative environment that prepares students for college and careers of the future in an environment that fosters a growth mindset.


i2Tech will hold core classes in a newly renovated facility on the Brookland-Cayce High School Campus.  Students take their electives and foreign language classes in the main building, eat lunch with the entire student-body and are encouraged to participate in all extra-curricular activities at BCHS. At Brookland-Cayce High School, we pride ourselves as having three academies and one team. Our focus is to provide a personalized educational experience for every student tailored to particular interests and aspirations.


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