About Us » Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Brookland-Cayce High School's Coat of Arms


Mission Statement

Brookland-Cayce High School will produce responsible collaborators, resourceful learners, and contributing citizens. 


Vision Statement

Brookland-Cayce High School will provide students with the academic and interpersonal skills necessary to compete successfully in a 21st century college, military or workforce.



•  All staff must be highly qualified, caring and dedicated members of a professional learning community.

•  The successful development of students is a collaborative effort of parents, schools, businesses, and the community.

•  Students are valued individuals with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.

•  The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative if our school is going to enable students to become

   confident, self-directed, life-long learners.

•  A safe, physically comfortable, and supportive environment promotes student learning.

•  Research-based instructional strategies must be implemented, monitored, and refined. 

•  Differentiated instruction is fundamental to meet the needs of ALL students.